Computer Networks
Computer network is a collection of
computers, Peripherals devices (I/O Devices ) and terminals connected to gether
by a communication system. The set of computers may include large- scale
computers mini computers and micro processors .
Before getting in to the details on types and
working of computer networks, we-have to understand why we use the computer
Advantages of networks:
1.File sharing : It provides sharing
and grouping of data files over the network
2.Print sharing : It provides sharing
of computer resources such as hard disk,
printers etc
3.E-Mail: E-mail can send or receive out side of the organization in
faster, cheaper
and easier way
4.Remote Access : Network allows users to access remote data
Classification of network:
Local area network (LAN) : A typical LAN connects as many as hundred
or so microcomputers that are located in a relatively small area, such as
building or several adjacent building organizations having their own LAN enable
is multiple users to share software, data, and devices
Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) : It is same where between a LAN and a WAN.
The term (MAN) is some times used to refers to networks which connect. Systems
or local area networks with in a metropolitan area
Wide area network : Covers a large geographic area with various
communication facilities such as long distance telephone services, salellite
transmission and under- sea cables Examples of WANs are interstate banking
networks and airline reservation systems
WAN effectively provides a slow speed
communication because communication channels used in WAN are ultimately shared
among users for data communication.
Examples of wan banking network, mobile
phone network, railway network, etc
( Internet is a/s a wan)
Network architecture: Network consisting of
the hardware, software, connectivity, communication protocols and mode of
A supports two basic networks
1.Client server 2) peer to peer
Cline server : Clinet- server consists of
servers and client. Servers are typically powerful computers running advanced
network operating systems and user workstations (clients) which access data or
run applications located on the servers
Advantages :
Disadvantages :
Function Based Classification
Data networks
This networks transmits data
Voice networks
This networks transmits voice
Multimedia network
This network transmits voice, images and
Area coverage Based
Network with limited coverage
Network with unlimited coverage
Network within a city
Data forward based
Switched network
Provide point- to – point data
communication i.e data is switched to required user
Shared network
Provide broadcasting communication by
using a HUB i.e data can be seen by every user on network
It is mix of switched and shared network
Owner ship Based
Public network
Any used can use these network e.g
Private network
Used by particular organization, not
available to outside world user
Vitual private Network (VPN)
VPN uses public network but for secured
private network access form any where i.e it provides secured private
Class V
Media Based classification
Wired network
Network uses psychical channels for
communication like gable
Wireless network
Network uses wireless channels for
Peer- to- peer models
In this architecture, no dedicated servers are
used all the computers are at equal levels, and therefore termed a peers
normally, each computer can function both as client and server. The main
advantages of this architecture is simplicity of its design and maintenance.
This is a low cost and easy to maintain architecture and linking computers in
peer to peer network is significantly easier than client server mode
Communication Devices/communication modes:
are the devices which help in
communication of data. Communication devices are mainly used for connecting
sender and receiver with communication channels for data communication
1. Modem : Modem is an acronym for modulator / demodulator. Modern is
coding and decoding device i.e when data is transmitted from one computer to
another computer over a distance through a telephone line or other
communication channel then modem converts the computer digital signals into
analog signals which can be transmitted on telephone line and vice a versa
2) Multiplexer : multplexer is a device that enables
several devo to share common communication channel. A multiplexer scans multiple
devices to collect and transmit data one a single communication line to the appropriate destination the
multiple devices are polled together and periodically asked whether devices are polled together and
periodically asked whether there is any data to transmit
3) Front –end communication processor : these are programmable devices which contol
the functions of communication system. The devices support the operation of a
mainframe computer by perfoming fucnitons which it would other wise be required
to perform itself. These functions include authenticaiton of user by checking
his user id and password, coding & decoding of data and control of
transmission lines. (Eg: stock exchange network) front end processor is like an
assistant to main frame computer
4) Protocol converters : Dissimilar devices cannot communicate with
each other unless a strict set of communication standards is followed. For
example, if you want to connect an IBM data communication network to AT & T
data communication network then the protocol converter the message formats one
network system to another so that these are compatible for communication with
each other
5) Bridge: This device is used to
connect two networks with each other that are using the same protocols
6.Router: This device also helps to select the best route (shortest and
most reliable roule) for data communication when there are multiple paths
between them
7.Gatway: A device that connects two or more dissimilar network i.e the
networks having different protocols
8.Repeates: Repeater is a device, which simply repeats
the incoming signal for outgoing communication on channel but with increased
strength repeator is also known as amplifer it amplify the incoming signal for
long distance communication
9.Remite access device: this device contains
a bank of modems i.e a collection of modems to serve as central point for
access of data from various distant or remote location
Network structures or network topology
geanetrical arrangement of computers, devices and communcation facilities is
unown as network structures of network topology . A network is comprised
of nodes and links. A node is the
end point of any branch in a network
Four basic network structures are discussed
Star topology: the most common structure or topology known
as star network is characterized by communication channels emanating from
centralized control the processing nodes in a star network topology internals
directly with a central system. Each terminal can communicate only with the
central computer
1. Easy
to add new nodes to this star network
2. If
one node fail does not bring down the entire network
3. Easy
to diagnese the network problem
1. If
central system is fail, the whole network will network
2. The
cable cost is more
2. Bus
topology :
structure is very popular for local area networks. A single network cable run
in the building and all nodes are linked along with this cimmunication the with
two endpoints called the bus or backbone two ends of the cable are terminated
with terminators
1. reliable
in very small networks as well as easy to use and understand
2. Easy
to extend
3. A
repeater can also be used to extend a bus configuration
1. Heavy
network traffic can slow the transmission
2. Each
connection between two cables weaker the electrical signal
3. It
is difficult to troubleshoot
3.Ring topology: This network cable passes form one node to
another until all nodes are connected in the form of a loop or ring
Advantages :
1. High
performance for a small number of workstations
2. Ring
networks can span longer distance than other type of networks
3. ring
networks are easily extendable
1. Relatively
expensive and difficult to install
2. failure
of one computer on the network can effect the whole network
3. It
is difficult to trouble shoot a ring network
Mesh topology
this structure, random connection of nodes using communication links. In real
life, however, network connections are not made randomly. It is crated form
highly reliable and security sensitive application like defense allocations,
and telecom network if one link files between nodes then alternate links would
allow the data communication
1. network
problems are easier to diagnose
2. If
node fad where network traffic can be redirected to another node
1. Cost
of installation and Maintaince is high
Communication channel / transmission media :
types of cables and wireless techniques that are used to connect network
devices in a local area network (LAN, communication media is divided into two
groups )
1. Guided
media 2. Unguided media
1. Guided
media: A cabling system
that guides the data signals along a specific path. The guided media is also
known as Bound media. Some of the common examples of guided media are twisted
pair, coaxial and optical fiber
pair cables
pair twisted
pair contain pairs of insulated copper wires twisted together Twisting reduces
the impact of interferences
trusted paire can carry data at a speed of 10 mbps, 1000 mbps and 1000 mbps and can transmit data upto
100 meters
2. Co-axial
cables (cable TV wire) also
called as coax, it contain central copper wire as its core that it surrounded
by two byers of protective shielders. This shielding reduces electro magnetic
interference coax can transmit data at a maximum speed of 10mbps to 500 meters
with using repeaters
1.Optical fiber: Is made up of plastic or glaes that carries
light along its length. Optical fiber are widely used in fiber-optic
communications which permits transmission over longer distances and at higher
data rate specially designed fibers are used for a verity of other applications
including as sensors and fiber lasers
2.Ungiaded media:
consists of a means for the data singles to travel but nothing to guide them
along a specific path she data signal are not bound to a cabling meda as such
are often called unbounded media
Ex: raida wave, microwave, and infrared wave
Radio waves:
waves are an invisible form of electromagnetic radiation the varies in wave
length from around a millimeter ot 100,000 km, making it one of the widest
ranges in the electromagnetic spectrum
Micro waves: These waves with wavelength
ranging from as long as one meter to as short as one millimeter, or
equivalently are used for communication, radar systems, radio as from
navigation and spectroscopy
Infrared wavers: Infrared light is used in
industrial , scientific, and medical applications. Night- vision devices using
infrared illumination allow people or animals to be observed with out the
observer being defected
Transmission Technologies
Serial transmission
serial transmission, the bits of each byte are sent along a path one after
another. Ex: Modem/ Mouse
Parallel Transmission :
are separale, parallel path corresponding to each bit of the byte so that all
character bits are transmitted simultaneously Ex: Printer
Asynchronous transmission
transmission is done without any handshaking i.e transmitter and receiver does
not care for the speed of each other or doesnot use the same clock for data transmission. There fore for
reliability of data transmission in this transmission, each data word is
accompanied by stop(1) and start (0) bits that identify the beginning and
ending of the words
Synchronous transmission
are transmitted of fixed rate. The sender and receiver used the same clock
speed. For synchronization and data communication this allows data to be send
as a multi-word blocks synchronous transmission uses a group of synchronization
bits which are placed at the beginning and at the end of each block to maintain
Transmission modes :
modes indicate the direction of data communication on communication channels
i.e one way or unidirectional and two-ways or bi-directional there are three
different types of transmission modes
1)simplex: In is connection in which the data flows in only one direction
form the sender to the receives
Ex: computer to printer / mouse to computer/
Fm radio
2.Halfdupplex : Dat flows in both the direction but not at
the same time ex: walkie tallie or internet
Full Duplex : Two way communication same time which means
that the bandwidth is divided in two each direction of data transmission
Ex: Telephone/Mobile phones
Transmission Techniques
communication network consists of a collection of devices that wish to
communicate and inter connect together, based on the techniques used to
transfer data communicates networks can be categorized into two
Broad cost 2) Switched networks
1. I
broad cost networks data transmitted by one node is received by many
2. Switched networks: Data transferred
form source to definition is routed through the switch nodes. The way in which
the nodes switch data from one link to another as it is transmitted from source
to destination node is referred to as a switched technique – there are three
common switching techniques
Circuit switching 2. message
switching 3. packet switching
Circuit switching : A circuit switching network is one that
establishes a fixed band width circuit between nodes and terminals before the
users may communicate; as if the nodes were physically connected with an
electrical circuit. Iam circuit switching, this path is decided upon before the
data transmission starts
Message switching : The message switching, end users
communicate by sending each other a message, which contains the entire data
being delivered from the source to destination node. A message is routed form
its source to its destination, each intermediate switch within the network
stores the entire message, providing a very valuable service when congestion
occurs, the message switched network will store and delay the traffic until
sufficient resources are available for successful delivery of the message there
is no direct connection between source to destnit this characteristic is offen
referred to as store- and –forward-Email and voice mail are also examples of
message switching systems
Packet switching: Packet switching refers to protocols in
which messages are broken up into small transmission units called packets
before they are sent. Each packet is transmitted individually across the net
the packets may even flow different routes to the destination, depends on the
types of packet switching. A the destination the packets are reassembled into
the original message. The maximum length of the packet is determined by the
network and varies from network to network
Protocol : Protocols are a set of rules for
inter-computer communication that have been agreed upon on implemented by many
vendors, users and standards bodies
A set of rules that Governs a packet
Source address
Destination address
At the
most bask level, protocols define the physical aspects of communication, such
as how the system components will be interfaced and at what voltage levels will
be transmitted. By this we can say that network protocols when are essentially
software are sets of rules for communications timings, sequencing, formatting
and error checking for data transmission. A protocol defines the following
three aspects of digital communication
a) syntax b)
semantics c) timing
a) syntax
: the format of data being exchanged, character set used, type of error
correction used, type of encoding scheme
b) semantics : type and order of messages used to ensure
reliable and error free information transfer
c) Timing : Defines data rate selection and correct
timing for various during data transfer
interface card: Every
computer in a network has a special card called NIC which provides the
connector to attach the network cable to a server or a workstation. An NIC card
has additional memory for buffering incoming and outgoing data packets, these
improving the network throughout characteristic of NIC’s include the following
®NIC constructs, transunits , receives, and
processes data to and from a host to network
Each WIC has 8
bytes permanent and unique MAC (Meda Access Control) address provided by
manufacturer. This address is
called physical address and IP address is called logical address.
OPEN SYSTEM INTER CONNECTION MODEL :- This standard model is designed
by (ISO) to facilitate communication of heterogeneous hardware or software plat
forms with each other. In its most
basic form, A durdes network architecture into seven lager, cohere in a layer
is a collection of layers which from top to bottom, are the application,
presentation, session, transport, network, data line & physical
layers. Each layer as its own
functionally that provide services to the layer above it and receives services
from the layer below it.
Application layer
Telent, http, SMPT
Presentation layer
Encryption data conversion
BCD to Binary etc
Session layer
Starts, stops section
Maintains order
Transport layer
Save & destination adding
Network layer
Data cable(MAC)
One node to another
Electrical Signals.
Application Layer:- This layer mterads with software
appheations and prardes user
services by the transfer, file sharing etc.
Presentation Layer:- Encryption, data compression our take place
at this layer.
Session Layer:- If provides for pull duplex, half duplex,
or simplex operation and establishes check painting, adjournment, termination,
and restart procedures.
Transport layer:- This layer ensures reliable and
transparent transfer of data between user processes, assembles and disassembles
message packets, and provides coin recovery and flow control.
Network Layer: -This layer provides data sequences from a
scarce to a destination via one or more networks. Data transmission and switching, establishes, maintains,
terminals connections between the nodes and ensure proper rating of data.
Data line layers:- The Data line layer is the protocol layer
which transfers data between adjacent networks nodes in a wide area
network. A provides the functional
and procedural means do transfer data between network entities and to detect
and possibly correct error that may access in the physical layer.
Physical layers:- The physical layer is a hardware layer
convert the data into electromagnetic features of the connection between the
devices and the transmission.
Local Area Networks:-
expensive way of data communication
Easy to
setup network
data transmission rate
Easy to
control and maintain the network
Benefits of LANS
allows distributed data processing
allows the extended use of personal computers by connecting then to powerful
of data and resources, precious resources like color laser printers, costly
applications, etc can be polled
among different users.
software cost.
of electronic mail and broad casting
among users.
Components of LAN:-
server and work station
operating system
1. Server or file Server:- Server also helps in handling network
communication and servicing the various request of users for information
sharing the various request of users for information sharing an a network. Server can be dedicated or
non-dedicated server, all the network management functions are done by server
and in case of non-dedicated server some of the management functions are
transferred to workstations.
Workstations:- Workstations are standalone computers which
acts as nodes in the network interface card. Work stations are normally personal computers with their own
processing power, and because these are connected on network therefore use the
extra processing power, and because these are connected on network therefore
use the extra processing power and capabilities of server that makes then more
capable than standalone personal computers.
Card + Personal Computer = Workstation
2. Cables:- Cable is communication channel of network on which data
communication takes place. The popular type of cables are UTP (Unshield twisted
pair) cable, coaxial and optical fiber cable.
3. NOS:- This software
which is loaded on to the server hard disk. The job of this software is to manage and control the
working of network the NOS helps in file management, security management,
applications management, user management and devices management functions of a
Wireless LAN:- Wireless
Lan does not require any physical media like cable for data communication. Wireless signal like radio waves or
infrared signals are used for data communication. Mostly radio waves are used
for data communication. It proves
a flexible network where in users can use their LAPTOP anywhere in the premises
and they stay connected with their network for data communication.
wireless lan access point contains the antenna for provide a wireless
connection to the Laptop computers and devices.
services Digital Network
It is
high speed digital communication network
It is
also known as broad band communication network.
network helps to transfer the data at high speed.
transfer both voice and data simultaneously.
Most of
the telephone exchanges, mobile phone networks and internet are part of this
ISDN networks.
are two types of ISDN network
1. Basic Rate 2.
Primary Rate
Advantages of ISDN
Allow multiple digital channels and network to work an
integrated form
Allow to transfer voice and data together on same channel
Provide very high speed
private Network : -A UPr is a private network that uses a public
network to connect remote sites.
Instead of using a dedicated, veal world connection such as leased line,
a VPN users “Virutal” connections routed through the internet from the
company’s private network to the remote site or employee. There are two types of VPN
Remote-access 2. Site – to site VPN
Remote –access VPN also called a virtual
private dail up network (VPDN) is a user – to Lan connection used by a company
that has employees who need to connect to the private network from various
remote locations.
TCP/IP:- This part deals with assemblers and
disassembles of data packets 1-e creating data packets from the Ales to be transferred etc. H provides data controls and flow
IP:- It is an Best-effort protocol, this part
handles forwarding or hating of data packets on internet channels, from source
to destination.
1. A is 7 layer model
It is a 4 layer models
2. A uses application, presentation, session,
Transport, Network, Data line or physical layer
Application, Transport, Network and data
line layer
3. This model is has model for all the
protocol used for difference communication
This model is used for internet dds
Server Technology
A Client/ Server is hared or distributing
computing where in tasks and computing powers are split between servers and
clients, servers stores and
process data common to users across the enterprise, this data can be accessed
by client systems.
Business Computing Models and their limitations .
Frame Computing Model:-
Main frame computing model is centralized processing system. In this all the
users are connected to a single central computer through terminal.
Centralized system allows users to share
expressive hardware resources as disk drives, printers etc.
Computer Computing : With the introduction of personal computer and its
operating system, personal computers, computing or independent computing
workstation quickly becomes very popular. This type of processing was
decentralized processing.
sharing architecture: - The original PC networks were based on file sharing
architectures, where the server downloads files from the shared location to the
desktop environment. The server
will send the entire file over the network even through the workstation only
requires a few records, in the file to satisfy the information request.
The server handles all the global tasks, while the workstation handles all the
local tasks.
of client (server Technology):-
1. A consists of a client process and a server
process that can be distinguished from each other.
2. The client portion and the server portion
can operate on separate computer plat forms.
3. The server is able to serve multiple clients
4. Action is usually initiated at the client
and not the server end.
5. The graphical user interface generally
resides at the client end.
6. The database server should provide data
production and security.
of Client Server Architecture:-
Client: The clients are the users of the
services offered by the servers described above. This are basically three types of clients.
–Graphical user interface (GVI) clients require a minimum amount of human
interaction on –GUIS include ATMs, cell phones, fax machines, and robots.
clients are human interaction models usually involving object /action models we
the pull-down menus in windows 3-a.
user interface (OOUI) clients take GUI-clients even further with expanded
visual formats, multiple workplaces, and object interaction rather than application
interaction windows 95, 98, 2000, 2003, are the common OOUI clients.
Serves:- Server, responds the client request.
servers execute a series of SQL commands, an online transaction. Processing program (OLTP) as opposed to
database servers, which respond to a single client demand.
ware : middle ware is all the distributed software needed to allow clients and
servers to interact. General
middleware allows for communication, directory services, queuing, distributed
file sharing & printing. The
middle wares tipically composed of four layers which are
Baele –end processing
Network operation system (NOS)
Transport Stale
service layer carries coded instructions and data from software applications to
the Baele- end processing layer for encapsulating network-routing
instruction. Next the transport
layer transfers data packets to destinated efficiently and correctly.
client: In a Fat –client
system, more of the processing takes place on the client, like with a file
server or database server.
FAT server: Fat- servers place more emphasis
on the server and try to minimize the processing done by clients.
Fat-client referred to as 2-ties and
fat-servers referred to as 3-Tier system.
Types of Servers:
1. Database servers: DBMS provides database server to provide
data related services, to large number of users. In mutinously. Sum popular DBMS which provide database
servers are ORACLE, server, DBZ etc.
2. Application servers: Application server is program which
maintains business logics for data processing. Banks servers are combination of different types of servers
and application server is one of the most important server types among those
servers. Some powerful features of
applications servers are :
1. Component management
2. Fault tolerance
3. Load balancing
4. Transaction management
5. Security
3. Print servers:
Print server provides printing related services. These servers provide shared
access of printers to large numbers, of users connected in the LAN or WAN mode
a single printer. Connected with
any particular computer.
4. Transaction servers: When you start your transaction at ATM
machine it is the responsibility of transaction server to maintain track of
your transaction right from the beginning to end until the transaction is over.
5. Internet Servers: We all know that internet is collection of
millions of servers and there are different types of servers on internet, some
popular types of internet servers are
1. Web server, DNS server, New server, Chat server, Caching servers,
mail server, RTP server, file server, Gopher server, proxy servers.
Server : This server maintains web sites in the form of web pages which can
be accessed from any where through internet e.g. yahoo web server, Google web
DNS server: It
is an internet –wide distributed database system that documents and distributes
network –specific information, such as the associated IP address for a
host and vice versa.
NEWS servers:
Usenet news is a worldwide discussion system consistivity of thousands of news
groups organized into hierarchies by subject. Users read and post articles to these newsgroups using
client software
Chat Serves :
Provide services where in multiple users communicate with each other
simultaneously in a real finis manner
Caching server:
Basically a caching server sits between the client computer and the server that
would normally fulfill a clients request
One the clients request is sent, it is
intercepted by the caching server. The chaching server maintains a library of
files that have been requested in the recent past by users on the network.
server: Provides email
servers to users eg yahoomail, gmail, rediffmail, hotmail etc. Mail server
stores the mails and sends to receiver.
FTP: File Transfer Protocol Server Provides
file uploading and downloading services.
server: Provides services
where in multiple users Command with each other simultaneously in a real time
Server: Gopler is a service
in which multiple servers together locate for required images file etc. It is a
kind of search service.
Server: A Proxy server is
designed to restrict access to information on the internet. Example if a user
wants to have access to pornographic materials, a proxy server can be
configured to refuse to pass the request along to the intended internet server.
A proxy server operates on alist of rules given to it by a system
Tier Architectures:
Tier: A tier is a district part of hardware or
software. The most common tier system are
1). Single tier 2). Two tier
3). Three tier 4). Four tier
Single tier : A single computer that
contains a database and a front-end (GUI) to access the database is known as
single tier system. Generally, this type of system is used in small business.
This is one computer which stores all of the company’s data on a single
tier system: A two tier
system consists of a client and a server. The database is stored on the server
and the interface used to access the database is installed on the client.
tier Architecture: The
three-tier (middle tier server) resides between the interface (client) and the
data management (server) Components.
This middle server provides process
management where business logic and rules are executed and can accommodate
hundreds of uers by providing functions such as quering, application execution
and database staging.
tier Architecture: Multi –
tier architecture is a client server architecture in which an applicate is executed
by more than an district software agent. For example, an application that uses
middle ware to service data requests between a user and a database employs
multi-tier architecture. The most wide spread use of “multi-tier architecture”
refers to three – tier
Centre: A data center is a
centralized repository for the storage management and dissemination of data and
information. Data centers can be defined as highly secure, fault-resistant
facilities hostins customer equipment that connects to telecomment networks.
These data centers are also referred to as public data centers because they are
open to customers. The purpose of a data centers because they are open to
customers. The purpose of a data center is to provide space and landwidth connectivity
for servers in a reliable, secure and scalable environment. The primary ‘goal’
of a data center are to deploy the requisite state – of – the art redundant
infrastructure and systems so as to maximize availability and prevent downtime
for customers.
Private Data Center: A Private data center is managed by the
organization’s own IT department, and it provides the applications, storage,
webhasting and e-busines functions needed to maintain full operations.
Data Center: A Public data center
provides services ranging from equipment co-location to manage web-hosting.
tier Data Center: Maintain
and provide basic quality of services, provide inexpensive services. These data
centers do not maintain highly reliable and secured infrastructure. Tier one
data center is low cost and simple to setup, Used by general enterprise
where security and reliability is
not very important.
Tier data Center: Maintain
and provide robust quality of services. They provide expensive services. These
data centers maintain highly reliable and secured infrastructure. The four tier
data center are costly and complex to setup usually used by financial and
banking sectors where reliability and security of services is very important.
of Data Centers:
1. Database
Monitoring: Help to provide
fast and reliable data access services round the clock by continuously
monitoring the working and performance of data managed by data centers.
2. Web Monitoring:
Provide web hosting and also monitoring of websites for round the clock
availability; for reliable and efficient access of sites to their users.
3. Backup
and Restore: Help to
provide automatic backup of managed data and also automatically restore the
data destroyed accidentally or intentionally, by using the backup data.
4. Instrusion
Defection System: ID stands
for Intrusion detection it is an art of detection inappropriate, incorrect and
unauthorized activities on network. This is primarly a security system which
helps to provide data access to authorized person only and protect the data
from unalicious activities.
5. Storage
on Demand: Help to provide
the required storage capacity to organize to maintain their data volume in
online manner, which help to provide reliable and robust data management
of Data centers:
Data centers maintain large
number of servers, large bandwidth channels and large volume of storage
Security: Data centers
normally employ various techniques and software to provide high security to
of Date: Data centers
provides round the clock availability of data and services from anywhere.
4.Security: Data centers provides both the
physical and logical security to data.
Recovery Site: Disaster
means fire, flood, earthquake, etc which may bring down the data centers from
working. Data centers need to be equipped with appropriate disaster. Recovery
system that minimize the downtime of data centers. Every data center uses
different techniques to minimize the downtime. i.e. data centers should always
be available for services. Following techniques are used by data centers to
minimize the down time, or from disaster recovery.
This techniques maintains
the critical equipment and resources in duplicate format some offsite location.
In case of disaster, these duplicate equipment and resources start providing
necessary services to the authorized users, maintaining cold-site is low cost
disaster recovery technique but this does not provide 100% downtime
site: This techniques is in
between the cold site and the hot site techniques. It is better than cold side
but ware than the hot site technique.
Site: This is considered to
be most robust disaster recovery techniques. In this, all most equipments and
resources of a working data center are maintainedin duplicate form at some
offsite location in a synchronized from with outsite resources. This is the
most expensive technique, but this technique provide almost zero downtime.
for security: The basic objective
for providing network security is
two – fold
1.To safeguard assets and
2.To ensure and maintain the data integrity.
are two types of security:
2).Logical security
1. Physical
Security : A physical
security is implemented to protect the physical systems assets of an
organization like the personal, hardware, facilities, supplies and
2. Logical
Security: A logical
security is intended to control
malicious and non-malicious threats to physical security and
threats to logical security itself.
Threats and vulnerabilities: A threat is
anything that can distrupt the operation, functioning, integrity, or
availability of a network or system network security threats can be categorized
into two broad themes.
1. Unstructured
threats: These originate
mostly from inexperienced individuals using easily available hacking tools from
the internet.
2. Structured
threats: These originate
from individuals who are highly motivated and technically competent and usually
understand network systems design and the vulnerabilities of those systems.
They can understand as well as create hacking scripts to penetrate those
network systems. The structured threats typically targets a specific
destination or group.
3. External
threats: These originate
from individuals or organizations working outside an organization, which does
not have authorized access to organization’s computer systems or network.
4. Internal
threats: Typically, these
threats originate from individuals who have authorized access to the network.
An internal threat may come from a discountented former or current employee or contractor.
5. IDS
Components: Intrusion
detection system are generally made up of following major components.
1.Sensors 2.Analyzers
3.Userinterface 4.Honeypot
Honeypot: Some administrators may choose to install
a “Honeypots”, essentially a system components setup as bat or decoy for
intruders. Honeypots can be used as early warms systems on a attacks, decoys
from critical systems, and data collection sources for attack analysis.
Firewall: Firewall are system that control the flow
of traffic between the internet and the firm’s internal LANS, and systems.
Access controls are common form of controls encountered in the boundary
subsystem by restricting the use of system resources to authorized users can
take with these resources and ensuring that the users obtain only authentic
system resources.